Monday, June 4, 2012


MissLed Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1.  Isn't this book really just about bashing women?

No, it is not. It is not intended to "bash" women.  It is, however, intended to draw attention to the alarming rise of misthinking, misbelieving, and misbehaving in SOME women (too many - approximately 30%). 

2.  Isn't this book really just a bitter or hurt man who hates women and is being mean and unfair to them?

No, it certainly is not.  The author loves his Mother, has 2 wonderful sisters who he respects and admires greatly.  Contrary to rumors, the author has dated in the last six years and is actually well-liked by most women who know him.

3.  Why MissLed now?

Women are acquiring more and more power - and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.  It is critical that as many as possible manage that power and responsibility with wisdom and virtue.  Unfortunately, society is incentivizing too many women toward misguided behaviors. MissLed points out the large minority (approximately 30%) of women who clearly are not handling their freedom and power  well.  It discusses how their struggles (money, relationships, etc.) impact them, their families, and society as a whole.

4.  When  and how will MissLed be published?

I'm doing this as a labor of love so I won't announce hard dates.  However, I'm striving to have Volume I - MissTaken - which is roughly 1/2 of the book - released Spring  of 2013.  It will be available online only, for a nominal fee via pay pal.  Details TBA.

5.  Why should any woman read MissLed?

Any woman - or man - can learn from the information gathered, analyzed, and explained in MissLed.  They can learn to identify troubling characteristics in female friends, partners, or potential partners and some information on how to best cope with those traits.  Myths are busted, liars and charlatans are exposed, and 20 solutions are offered to mitigate the effects of MissLedness.

6.  What are the sources cited in MissLed?

I've conscientiously sought to use the best, most up-to-date information from the most credible sources I could access.  That includes 100s of books, articles, and online material from ranging from psychology, sociology, gender studies, and the latest brain studies using PET/CAT scan technology.
Whenever possible, women authors are cited in order to give the fullest possible viewpoint of issues.
Descriptive, female-authored titles that raise serious concerns about today's women include:  Woman's Inhumanity to Woman, Women's Infidelity, Financial Infidelity, Twisted Sisterhood, Think: Straight Talk for Women to Stay Smart in a Dumbed-Down World, Toxic Friends,  Tripping the Prom Queen, Queen Bees and Wannabees, and Female Chauvinist Pigs. 

7. Who would benefit from reading MissLed?

a. The  MissLed themselves (or those who suspect they might be partially  or wholly misguided or lost). They may been told they're a "mess" or  have a vague feeling of being rudderless.

b. Non-MissLed Women:  By reading this material they will learn to identify MissLed women. This will then permit them to either avoid the MissLed, or to assist them in improving their thinking and therefore behavior.

c. Good Men:  Can benefit by learning to identify and  avoid getting involved with Women of this ilk, or  learn strategies on how to steer clear of, or, if they so choose, assist those MissLed women who are willing to change their habits and mindset.

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